Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Top 10 Steps To Become An Actor in Los Angeles

Wendy Alane Wright is a Hollywood Talent Manager with WAW Entertainment. Her clients have appeared in numerous national commercials, movies, webisodes, short films, and on television networks such as ABC, NBC, Comedy Central, BIO, Lifetime, plus many more. Previous to being a Manager and a Talent Agent at Burn Down Entertainment, she assisted many high profile Managers, Agents and Publicists in the careers of Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Sarah Michelle Geller, The Four Tops, The Bee Gees, Meatloaf, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Guttenberg, The Cranberries Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Kenny Rogers, and Neil Diamond. Wendy is also a Recording Artist, Actress, Author and Music Producer all  giving her a 360-degree perspective of the industry.

It amazes me how many actors have been in Hollywood for several years and still don't know the basics of breaking into television. I am going to break it down simpler than I ever have. Here are 5 steps you can take to get ahead of your competition and maybe even get your foot in the door!

1. Go to a Type Class with Mark Atteberry
to figure out where you fit in in the business.

2. Get your headshots done with STEPHANIE GIRARD

Have your 8x10 headshot reproduced at Argentum Photo Lab

3. SELF SUBMIT Create online profiles with ACTORS ACCESS and LA CASTING and

Upload your new Headshots. Upload 3-4 different looks. Start submitting yourself to indie films, webisodes, theatre productions, SAG ULB films, student films and non union projects.

4. Take Commercial Training classes with Judy Kain, Terry Berland and Francine Selkirk
Then go get a Commercial Agent!

5. Take On Camera Training DOUG WARHIT acting classes at Playhouse West and with HOWARD FINE

6. Create a professional Demo Reel and record 1 scene in HD at:
Jig Studios
Reel LA
LA Reels
Create Your Reel

Compare prices, styles and looks.

7. When you have 8+ acting credits, (short films, student films, webisodes) go to agent showcases and try to get an agent. Show them how hard you work and how talented you are!

8. Create a List of 10 TV shows you are right for, where you see your type on it every week. Figure out the casting directors at IMDBPRO Take their casting Director workshops 3-4 times a year - You can use
WORKSHOP to find the workshops. Make sure you already have solid acting training, headshot, resume and reel. Even though it is a workshop, you have to do your best work. CD's remember great work and they remember bad work and will not call you in for auditions if they see bad work in a workshop.

9. Before every TV audition watch the show you are going in for to get the feel and tone of the show. Be sure to look up who casts it and be ready to answer a question like, "Who is your favorite character on my show?"  Be familiar with the shows you are auditioning for. It highly likely the actor who gets the job will be.

10. Stay in touch with every casting director you meet, director you work with and other actors you befriend along the way. People hire people they know, and people they like. Be likeable, professional and find ways to give to the relationships you are creating. Don't be a taker. Be a giver!

That sound easy right? Well that gives you the JIST of what you should be doing during the 1st TWO- THREE years, so at least you are right on track. This career takes a lot of work and thousands of dollars to get started. If you don't have OUTSTANDING headshots you won't get anywhere. Don't have them taken by a friend for free. It is your most important tool. If you aren't submitting yourself everyday on Actors Access (mostly theatrical breakdowns) and LA Casting (mostly commercial breakdowns) and auditioning you are not getting better at auditioning, meeting casting directors and directors, and you are not building credits on your acting resume that agents will start to take seriously. If you have not trained with RECOGNIZABLE commercial acting teachers, your commercial agent will have a hard time selling you to casting directors and likely you won't even get in the audition room. If you are not training with well known and respected acting teachers, theatrical talent agents will never take you seriously. If you don't have TV credits, you MUST have training credits. Your resume MUST have professional training with several recognizable and respected acting teachers if you want Casting Directors to even look in your direction.

Do these 8 things in your first 1-3 years and you will be miles ahead of other actors who are "winging it" without guidance or direction from a reputable Talent Manager.

For you really dedicated and ambitious actors, here's a Bonus:

#9. Learn all about making yourself STAND OUT from the competition by taking Actor Marketing classes with Dallas Travers.

This is the fast track. Get on it!
Follow me on twitter for more great advice! @wendyalane1 LIKE WAW Entertainment on Facebook

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Every month I offer a workshop called, “The Winner's Circle" for brand new actors which will help you begin to understand the business and start to develop a plan of action for your success. I teach it along with several important industry friends of mine including a top Theatrical Agent, Commercial Agent, Casting Director, Headshot Photographer, WorkingActor and including Reel Producer. You will learn so much information in this workshop from top people in the business who are all committed to your success! I have been coaching actors for years, and I know new actors need a mentor and professional guidance, so if you are new to this business I highly recommend this workshop. It will give you the "inside" information you need and it will put you miles ahead of the hundreds of other newcomers that arrive in L.A. every year. At the end of this 4-hour seminar with us you will have a game plan for success. The cost is $179 and it's worth every penny. Visit my website and sign up today for the next workshop. email for more info.

If you liked this information and found it helpful leave a comment! I love to hear from new people.
Subscribe to my Secrets Of A Hollywood Talent Manager TV You Tube Channel with over 200 FREE Videos! And follow me on Twitter @WAW_wendy 

Wendy Alane Wright Smith
Talent Manager

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