Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Where do I take Casting Director Workshops? (This post has 1,671 views)

Wendy Alane Wright is a Hollywood Talent Manager with WAW Entertainment. Her clients have appeared in numerous national commercials, movies, webisodes, short films, and on television networks such as ABC, NBC, Comedy Central, BIO, Lifetime, plus many more. Previous to being a Manager and a Talent Agent at Burn Down Entertainment, she assisted many high profile Managers, Agents and Publicists in the careers of Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Sarah Michelle Geller, The Four Tops, The Bee Gees, Meatloaf, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Guttenberg, The Cranberries Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Kenny Rogers, and Neil Diamond. Wendy is also a Recording Artist, Actress, Author and Music Producer all  giving her a 360-degree perspective of the industry.

Taking Casting Director Workshops is one of the approaches Actors can take when starting to build those all important long term relationships with Casting Directors. It is important for CD's to become familiar with you and your work. But don't start taking these until you have had some acting classes! I suggest you take on-camera/audition classes, acting classes and cold reading classes BEFORE you show your face in front of casting directors. You want them to see you at your best and doing great work, right? Don't practice in front of Casting Directors. That's what acting classes are for. That being said here is a comprehensive list of locations you can take CD workshops for easy reference.

This list was written by Bonnie Gillespie and originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/000275.html

Act Now: “Act Now offers three-week classes with the same casting director and the classes are fairly evenly priced with other workshops (working out to about $50/night) but my manager was on my case because she doesn’t feel that I’m meeting enough CDs since each class is almost a month long.” “Every one of the CDs I’ve met at Act Now has called me in and Dana Olson recently called me directly and booked me for an U5 on Passions.” “They have consultants that call to let me know which workshops are going on.”

Actors Alliance (NY): “I chose Actors Alliance because they are very discerning about both the level of talent allowed in through auditions and the level of honest interest from CDs in actually meeting talent with the intent of possible future contact.” “I’ve gotten so much info and insight from most of the sessions I’ve attended that it has been worth it.” “Also in New York, I’ve heard great things about the workshops run by Bob Lambert. I know a few people who have booked U5s on All My Children from his workshop alone.”

Actors Co-Op Group: “I love Actors Co-Op Group because I get cold reading practice with very good scenes brought in by CDs and the level of our group is very high. I get to begin long-term relationships on which this whole wacky biz is based for $95/four-pack (nonunion actors pay more) and it’s fully tax-deductible. I know they’re not for everyone, but I’ve enjoyed our workshop so much!”

ActorSite: “I was informed, going in, that without a satisfactory audition with ActorSite, I couldn’t become a member. I was not given a sales pitch or induced in any way to join. I feel that attending workshops along with the other things that are available as a member have been well worth the cost.”

ITA (In the Act): “ITA offers discounts to members for referrals who are accepted (since an audition is required).” “In one year, I have gotten ten auditions that are a direct result of having met CDs through the ITA workshops.”

One on One: “Of the auditions I’ve gotten as a result of meeting CDs at One on One, so far I have booked three jobs.” “They audition actors and not everyone is accepted." One On One in New York.

Reel Pros: “I think the best way to judge is by the talent in the room. Reel Pros has good actors doing good work.”

SAG CAP — Casting Access Program (NY and LA): “I’ve only been doing SAG workshops for a few months, but I’ve learned quite a lot. CDs are just people. My cold reading skills are getting better. I’m gaining confidence.” “The NY SAG CAP session I recently attended was well worth it.” “I am fortunate enough to be a member of both SAG and AFTRA. These unions have opportunities for their members to attend free workshops. Although there are restrictions on how often you can attend the performance workshops, I think any actor would benefit by taking advantage of these wonderful workshops from their first day in the union!”


I am going to add few more.

ACTORS WESTActorsWest is committed to helping the working actor in their efforts at opening doors to casting directors, producers, managers and agents! No monthly fees or dues! You only pay when you attend an intensive, class or workshop. Located in North Hollywood, California. 

HOLLYWOOD ACTING WORKSHOPWe offer professional-level On-Camera Acting Classes, Casting Director Workshops, Talent Agent Showcases & Manager Showcases. No membership fees at the Hollywood Acting Workshop!! All actors are able to attend any workshop at any time, without being members.

ACTORS CONNECTIONSince 1991, Actors Connection has been OPENING DOORS to NY's top agents, casting directors, personal managers and print agents! Offers over 150 seminars, classes and special events a month, we offer the working actor an extraordinary opportunity. Whether you're seeking representation, focusing on new areas of the acting business, striving to improve your auditioning skills, or simply networking, Actors Connection provides you with ALL of the necessary tools for success in today's acting market!

Actors AdvantageSafe environment for actors to recreate the audition process and learn to feel comfortable making creative choices. They bring in top Casting Directors, Agents and Managers.

To make it easy check out Workshop Guru. It is a website that lists all the casting director workshops that are currently happening in LA. So instead of going to several different sites to find workshops, it is all on one site. You can search by casting director, or by their casting office, and the great thing is that actors can anonymously post reviews about the workshops. http://theworkshopguru.com/

Visit their websites or email some or all the following workshop locations and ask to be put on their email list which will allow you to receive CD workshop notices right in your inbox!

The Bridge info@actingbridge.com,
Actors Advantage Showcase actorsadvantageshowcase@gmail.com,
Talent To Go info4talenttogo@yahoo.com,
Actor's Key actorskey@gmail.com,
GoGo Acting Workshops gogoacting@yahoo.com,
Connect Studios LA gogoacting@yahoo.com,
The Casting Network info@CastingNetworkLA.com,
Act Now actnow4u@aol.com,
 Dominion Entertainment info@dominionentertainment.biz,
Actors West actorswest@gmail.com,
ITA Productions staff@itaproductions.com,
 Actorsite Workshop actorsite.support@gmail.com,
Reel Pros reelpros@mindspring.com,
Actor's Artistry actorsartistry@gmail.com,
The Collective Studio Los Angeles thecollectivestudiola@gmail.com,
Seenwork seenwork@aol.com,
Actor's Key West actorskeywest@gmail.com,
House of Actors houseofactors@gmail.com,
The Actors Company info@theactorscompanyla.com,
Actors Creative Workshop info@actorscreativeworkshop.com,

WHAT ARE AUDITIONS REALLY FOR? Talent Manager Tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc7_oxWSD8g

Here is a great take on Casting Director workshops from Valerie Adami, Dir. Weist Barron in NYC.

Actors are understandably angry and frustrated. Unfortunately nothing can change simple facts. Ever since the industry became so irresistibly glamorous a few decades ago hundreds of thousands of young hopefuls having been trying to find a way to their big break. Every year Colleges, conservatories and private acting schools are training leagues of talented newcomers to enter a business already saturated with talented professionals.

Managers and Agents cannot rep thousands of actors, nor can a casting office see all the actors submitted for a project. Walls have gone up. There are no more 'open call' days at agencies. Mailings are mostly futile. Referrals can work, sometimes. Actually being seen in a showcase has always been the most effective marketing tool. So it was only a matter of time until entrepreneurs got the idea of creating 'pay to meets'. For a certain amount of money you are guaranteed face time with an industry professional. 

Has this business gotten out of hand. You bet. Guests are requiring $400 to $500 (or more) to teach a two or three hour workshop. Newcomers with little training or experience clutter workshops bringing down the quality of the event for everyone. Do some guests come just for the money? Yes. Do most actors get no results? Yes. Do a small number of actors get a positive result? Yes. That's the carrot that keeps the machine turning. 

Is there a better solution? Possibly. Make your own work. Create your own web series. Produce your own film. Do hundreds of shows at UCB. Become a Stand-Up. Produce your one-person show. Become an on-line casting junkie. Create a YouTube video and hope it goes viral. Pursue celebrities and ask them to mentor you. Drive your family and friends crazy begging for money for your projects on Kick-starter. The truly horrible truth? This business costs money. Money for classes, photos, unions. Money for wardrobe, for transportation. Money for websites for demos. Actors will also work for little or no money just in the hope of making a contact. Is there anything that can stop the madness. If you think of anything please let me know. This is a business of Dreams. In our business Dreams cost, time, energy and yes money. - Valerie Adami Dir. Weist Barron NYC.


So there you go! I agree with Valerie. Make your own breaks. Do great work and get noticed from that. All actors should understand CD Workshops are PART of the bigger picture. Actors need to get training, theater experience, work in commercials short films and student films, as well as create your own material: webseries, theater and short films. Workshops are simply ONE way of STARTING a relationship with a CD that grows over time.- Good luck! - Wendy

For more helpful insider information, read my other Blogs, follow me on Twitter @wendyalane1 and like me on facebook. I love meeting new people! Actors, if you want to submit to me at WAW Entertainment go ahead and send your Headshot, Resume, Demo, La Casting and Actors Access links to wawentertainment@yahoo.com

Keep following your dreams!

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