Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Reputable Talent Managers for Kids in Los Angeles

Wendy Alane Wright is a Hollywood Talent Manager with WAW Entertainment. Her clients have appeared in numerous national commercials, movies, webisodes, short films, and on television networks such as ABC, NBC, Comedy Central, BIO, Lifetime, plus many more. Previous to being a Manager and a Talent Agent at Burn Down Entertainment, she assisted many high profile Managers, Agents and Publicists in the careers of Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Sarah Michelle Geller, The Four Tops, The Bee Gees, Meatloaf, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Guttenberg, The Cranberries Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Kenny Rogers, and Neil Diamond. Wendy is also a Recording Artist, Actress, Author and Music Producer all  giving her a 360-degree perspective of the industry.

Hi Parents. Trying to figure out which Talent Managers are reputable would be difficult if you didn't know me :) But you do and I will take the worry out of it for you. There are vultures in this business preying on the dreams of parents and children who are entering show business. You can rely on me and my blogs to always guide you in the right direction. I would also like to suggest you get your information from these reputable sources as well:

OK! Here is a list of my favorite Talent Management companies for kids in Los Angeles. Of course my company tops the list. This list isn't inclusive of all reputable kids Management companies, just a handful of the ones I know first hand that are amazing. And always remember reputable managers never charge you a fee for management. They take a percentage of what your child earns only AFTER your child works a job. That fee is usually 10-20%.


WAW Entertainment                                          Owner Wendy Alane Wright
Dream Talent                                                     Owner Karla Huff
Artistic Endeavors                                              Owner Anett McCroskey
Snow Entertainment                                          Owner Cinda Snow
Treadwell Entertainment                                    Owner Tina Treadwell
Myrna Lieberman Management                         Owner Myrna Lieberman
Stein Talent Management                                  Owner TJ Stein
Lil Angels Unlimited                                           Owner Jackie Reid
Brilliant Talent Management                              Owner Corey Smith
ARC Artist Management                                    Owner David Rhee
Marnie Cooper Management                             Owner Marnie Cooper
RSA Talent Management                                   Owner Brenda Fisher
Monster Talent Management                              Owner Bob Knoll
Dreamscope Entertainment                                Owner Julie Abrams
Protege Entertainment                                        Owner David Esienberg
Strong Management                                           Owner Beverly Strong

Marilyn Zitner Management                                 Owner Marilyn Zitner 
For New York..watch for an upcoming Blog.

My company WAW ENTERTAINMENT talent management in Los Angeles is always looking for talented & beautiful kids ages 6-14 for Film, TV, Webseries and Commercials. If you live in Los Angeles or plan to be here for 2-3 months between Feb-July or Sept-Nov. submit headshots and Resumes to wawentertainment@yahoo.com

Please include: Photos of your child, age, height, weight, city and state you live in and a 30 second video of your child talking about something important to them. Sports, friends, school, food, movies etc. You can record the video on your iPhone, upload it to You Tube, mark video as unlisted and include the link in your email to us. If we are interested we will contact you. We want to get an idea of their personality. We look forward to reviewing your submissions.

8 Steps to Finding a Manager for Your Child

Also here is an article that was published in BACKSTAGE MAGAZINE that is really helpful for you to read.    
By Jackie Reid | Posted Oct. 26, 2012, 2 p.m.

Why does my child need a manager? A manager will guide your child through every step of their career. Managers help you find an agent, navigate schedules, advise on pictures and wardrobe, recommend classes and lessons, and facilitate meetings with casting directors to name a few reasons.
Where do I look? There is a list of managers on Backstage.com, or you can subscribe to Backstage and receive Call Sheet, which also lists managers. Look for ones that specify that they represent children.

1. Send in a few recent snapshots of your child. They should be alone in the picture, not wearing any hats, close up enough so that we can clearly see their face. I can’t tell you the number of pictures I have gotten of a giant field, with a tiny speck in it that is the child. We should not have to play Where's Waldo to find your child.

2. We want to see a happy, charismatic child in the photos. A natural, exuberant grin sells more toys than a serious face. We are in the marketing industry; we want to see your child’s charm.

3. Keep the cover letter short. Include the child’s date of birth, height and weight and any experience your child may have. List any skills, such as singing, dancing, martial arts, instruments played, and sports that they play.

4, Make sure you include ALL of your contact information so that we can find you when we want to schedule an interview to meet your child. Home phone, cell phone, address, and email address should all be included.

You’ve sent out pictures and you’ve gotten the call that a manager wants to meet your child! Awesome!! What do I do now?!

1. Show up to the meeting 15 minutes early. Any earlier is obnoxious. This will allow you to fill out paperwork and have your child look at a short commercial that we will ask them to “cold-read.”  And whatever you do DON”T BE LATE! We are judging you on your ability to be a professional. We don’t want to have to worry about you being late to an audition. Getting irate calls from casting directors about late kids is awful for us and makes us look as bad and unprofessional as you do.

2. We will most likely ask the child to come into the room alone to meet us. Give your child a big hug, remind them to smile, and send them in. Practice interviewing with your child prior to coming in so that they know what to expect. We will ask simple questions like: What's your favorite color? Do you have any pets? What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you have any siblings? We are looking for kids who ENGAGE! Ninety-nine kids out of 100 will come through the door and when asked for their favorite color will reply with a one word answer. The child who walks in and says, “My favorite color is blue! I love blue! The sky is blue! My room is blue! I only eat blue food!!!” This is the kid who is getting signed on the spot. The one who talks until we ask them to stop. The kid who is personality plus!

3. This relationship is like a marriage. Find someone who you like and feels passionately about your child. If they seem lukewarm, move onto the next meeting

4. The typical management contract is between two and five years. The commission should be 15 percent across the board for commercials, print, theater, and television.

ABOVE ALL: Do not sign with anyone who requires money upfront. Reputable managers work STRICTLY on commission!

Jackie Reid owns and operates L’il Angels Unlimited, a talent management company, which specializes in young actors for placements in film, television, theater, commercials, voiceover, and print media. She works extensively with agents in New York and L.A. She possesses an excellent eye for talent that both casting directors and agents value. She understands what it takes to support young actors as a stage mom to two children, one of whom currently plays Sinjin on Nickeldeon’s hit series "Victorious." Follow her on Twitter @LilAngelsTalent and like her on Facebook

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