Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

How Do I Become A Famous Actor?

Actors don't realize that they way to become a success in the acting business is to keep working, building your resume and connections. It takes years of never quitting to get established. And after you are established, it takes years of never quitting to STAY established. Denzel Washington isn't the success he is by doing one film. There is a very definite way to success in this business. If its going to happen it will likely happen like this:

You do a play, then another play, then another play, then a role in a webseries, then a small role in a student film, then a bigger role in student film, then maybe the lead in a student film, and another play. You do another webseries, then a small role in a short film, then 3 small roles in short films, then a role in a webseries, then a small TV co-star role, then a webseries, then a few small roles in student films, then maybe the lead in a student film, another play, another webseries, then a small role in a short film. Then you book another small TV role, then a lead in short film, a small role in a feature film, a small TV co-star role, a recurring role in a TV pilot, another play, a guest star on a TV show, roles in 3 more short films, a bigger role in a feature film, a play, a series regular for 1 year in a TV show which gets cancelled, a play, 2 more short films, roles in a couple of feature films, you book another small TV role, then a lead in short film, a small role in a feature film, a small TV co-star role, a recurring role in a TV pilot....GET IT?

You are creating a life. The life of an actor. The destination is the work. The journey is the work. Trying to make a living at it is the goal. If you get more than that you are simply... lucky.

Most successful actors aren't thinking about becoming famous. They are thinking about getting paid enough money to pay the bills so they can do what they love doing. Fame is not the goal. Working as an actor is.

Wendy Alane Wright
The Hollywood Talent Manager

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