Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Will I Make A Living At Acting?

Wendy Alane Wright is a Hollywood Talent Manager with WAW Entertainment. Her clients have appeared in numerous national commercials, movies, webisodes, short films, and on television networks such as ABC, NBC, Comedy Central, BIO, Lifetime, plus many more. Previous to being a Manager and a Talent Agent at Burn Down Entertainment, she assisted many high profile Managers, Agents and Publicists in the careers of Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Sarah Michelle Geller, The Four Tops, The Bee Gees, Meatloaf, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Guttenberg, The Cranberries Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Kenny Rogers, and Neil Diamond. Wendy is also a Recording Artist, Actress, Author and Music Producer all  giving her a 360-degree perspective of the industry.

Every day as a Talent Manager in Los Angeles I get approached by actors who either want me to manage them, or they ask me questions about the business. One very common question goes something like this:
"Hi Wendy I love performing and I know I have the talent for it. But I have a question my mom is a single mom struggling but I love my theater major even though she is not supportive. She tells me that I am going to starve, which sometimes puts me in doubt. But I do not see myself doing anything else.  I wish I could make her happy too. Wendy please help! - Cindy

Cindy - You have to live your own life. You have the power to create the success you envision IF you work very hard at it. And that will be true of whatever career field you choose. Get 2 jobs, save your money and pay for your own career. Learn about the business so you know what you really have to do to build your resume and get acting experience. 
But you have heard this probably before - only 1% of actors make a living from acting. Most actors have other jobs. Actors act because the absolutely NEED to act. They can't imagine life without it and will do it even if they only make $5,000 a year from it. 

Many actors have little money and are broke. Others have side businesses that pay better money than their acting career ever will. But YOU have to decide on the life you want to live. And you are ALWAYS able to change your actions at any time.

Well that's my answer. People don't like these statistics. So many people who go into acting think  they are going to become famous stars. But the truth is almost everyone who is an actor will NEVER be a star. .0000005% will be a star  and 1% of actors will work consistently. The rest? Well they will work at projects you NEVER hear of. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook the median hourly wage for actors was $20.26 in May 2012. If you really are interested in Statistics check out the data at the US Department of Labor: http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes272011.htm

But Wendy wait! I know there are people in the industry who make tons of money. Just read this!! http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hollywood-salaries-revealed-movie-stars-737321

Ok, so the reality is some industry people male a fortune and that CAN be you if you meet the right people, have the right talent, don't let fear get in your way and take huge risks over many, many years. But don't let those exceptions cloud your understanding. Please don't think you will go on a couple of auditions, book a huge role and become a rich and famous star. It's possible... but highly, highly unlikely. You have more of a chance of becoming a lottery winner. The facts are income from acting is erratic.

So why do people act? Acting is for people who love creating characters, digging up emotions inside themseleves and sharing them in a public forum. Stars never had any idea they would become stars. Steve Carell was kicking around Hollywood trying to scrape up a living for 20 years before he landed The OFFICE and got famous. If he hadn't gotten lucky and booked that role, he would likely still be like so many actors just getting by and trying to land some kind of acting work. Why is it so difficult to make a living at acting or get famous? Because it is one of the most competitive industries in the world.

There are always far too many actors for far too few roles!

Where do actors find jobs? Actors perform on stage, on the radio, on television, in videos, in major films, in cabarets, in nightclubs, at theme parks, on commercials, and in “industrial” films made to train and educate. It is rare to reach the status of a celebrity because it is hard for many actors to find steady work. Actors may also commentate or narrate for electronic media, such as advertisements, animation, and books on tape. They also instruct in high school or college drama departments, conservatories of acting, or public programs. Actors have to do whatever they can to make money to pay the bills. And they often do it without anyone knowing who they are.

The actors who have any shot of becoming working actors and able to pay their bills just from acting NEVER STOP ACTING. They never give up. They keep taking whatever roles they can get, they drive limousines and wait tables, design websites and have landscaping businesses. They do theater no one ever hears of. They do roles in D films that no one ever hears of. They get a really great role that gives them 10 seconds of attention and never have a role that does that again. They do TV series that get dropped, or never get picked up. They do movies that go straight to video that no one cares about and no one will ever see. They have families who wonder if they are ever going to make it. They have friends who make more money than they do who are buying houses, taking vacations, and have money in the bank and money for retirement.

Actors usually perform under conditions with long, irregular hours. Movies actors may work in a location with unpredictable and bad weather, causing them to wait for lengthy periods of time until they can perform their scenes. Actors work in the evenings and on weekends, where they may be required to perform more than once. 

In 2002, median yearly income of salaried actors was $23,470. The middle 50 percent pulled in between $15,320 and $53,320. The lowest 10 percent earned lower than $13,330, while the highest 10 percent earned higher than $106,360. It is important to remember however, that actors who are successful can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Some even make millions.

So I tell you Acting is something you do ONLY if you can't be happy doing anything else. ONLY if you can't be happy do ANYTHING ELSE. There are easier ways to get famous and there are easier ways to get rich (Real Estate.)

SO if after you read all that, you still want to audition for an off, off Broadway play just for the opportunity to create an amazing character and perform it in front of 100 people and hear the roar of their applause...then go for it. I think performers know that there is nothing like performing. Nothing in the world that feels as a good as when you are on stage, or collaborating with other creative people, or losing yourself in a character. If this is in your blood, it will always be in your blood. It will never leave you and a part of you will always hunger for more.

If you don't understand this you don't understand what it means to be an actor. Why else would anybody put themselves through the poverty that comes with trying to be a working actor or the rejection? Why would anyone choose the stress from working under continual pressure, including the constant need to find their next production?

If you can be happy living your life without acting go do it. If not, give yourself a HUGE hug and keep going. 
Either way, I love you.

Wendy Alane Wright
Talent Manager 
 WAW Entertainment
TWITTER: wendyalane1


Wendy Alane Wright is a Hollywood Talent Manager with WAW Entertainment. Her clients have appeared in numerous national commercials, movies, webisodes, short films, and on television networks such as ABC, NBC, Comedy Central, BIO, Lifetime, plus many more. Previous to being a Manager and a Talent Agent at Burn Down Entertainment, she assisted many high profile Managers, Agents and Publicists in the careers of Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Sarah Michelle Geller, The Four Tops, The Bee Gees, Meatloaf, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Guttenberg, The Cranberries Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Kenny Rogers, and Neil Diamond. Wendy is also a Recording Artist, Actress, Author and Music Producer all  giving her a 360-degree perspective of the industry.



Submissions to Take 3 Talent can be made online via their website:


212-477-6622 – VANESSA GRACIA
*** CESD Website states: “If you are looking for representation we accept mail in submissions only; no emails or phone calls please.”

275 SEVENTH AVENUE., 26th floor
NEW YORK, NY 10001
(646) 486-4600


SUITE 1008
NEW YORK, NY 10011

**Submissions can be made via email to generationtv@generationmm.com
Be sure to include one or two photos, name, age, size, etc.



ail your headshot and resume to us (please do not cold-call our office). We will contact you if we are interested in meeting with you.


website: www.jgdtalent.com

“For children ages 4 and up:
-Professional pictures are not needed.
-Please send snapshots and include on the back of the picture your child’s height, weight, date of birth and phone number. Enclose a self addresses stamped envelope if you would like your photos returned.
We will contact you within two weeks of the submission if we are interested in setting up an appointment.
We only accept submissions via mail. Please do not stop by our office without an appointment.”

10 East 44th Street
New York, NY, 10017

**** Youth division contacts:

SUITE #2030
NEW YORK, NY 10107
The following information is from their website:
**To be considered for representation by our agents, please submit one recent headshot (or snapshot) and via mail. Also accepted are video/dvds of dance performances, and audio cassette/cd demos of vocals.
If you are submitting from out-of-town, but will be in the NYC area, please include dates of travel in your cover letter.

*Until age 4, children are considered strictly from photographs. Babies begin working at around 3 months old. Baby submissions will be kept on file until an appropriate project arises. At that time you will be contacted to schedule an audition for the given project. Please send updated photos on a regular basis, especially for infants (every 3-6 months). You must include your child’s date of birth on all submissions.


**For more information on representation by FFTV, you can contact them at fftv@fftmodels.com

Thank you Sofia!

To be considered for representation by our agents, please submit one recent headshot (or snapshot) via mail or email. Call each agency and ask which they prefer.

Please include the following with your submissions:
  • Parents Contact Phone Number & Child's
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair & Eye Color
  • Performance Experience
  • Relevant Training
  • Awards
  • Special Skills (sports, foreign languages, etc) 
  • Date of Birth (for children and babies)
  • Slate Shot and short 30 second personality reel.
If an agent is interested in meeting you, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment in their office. You will be interviewed, given a scene to read, and a decision will be made by one or more agents in the agency.

Agents from these same agencies are invited to showcases that charge $2,000 - $17,000. Agents and agenices have no idea what these companies charge. I do because every time I attend one I pull the parents aside and ask what they spent to be there. They usually tell me there were told not to discuss how much they spent and then they tell me. Most of the time I am appalled! The cost is outlandish.  It's true these showcase systems bring 10-20 of the top agents into the same room and give hundreds of kids an opportunity to do their monologues and scenes in front of the agents. But you don't need to pay $5,000 or more to do that. In LA these same agents show up at workshops all over town doing smaller showcases with 5-10 agents at a time for under $1,000. You can find these workshops throughout NYC at various acting schools like these three at:


1) Our NY Connection is a 3-Day SHOWCASE that's jam packed with the GUARANTEED ATTENDANCE of INDUSTRY GUESTS who are the movers and shakers in the New York entertainment arena. For Teens and young adults look!

Highlights include:

-3 Full Days of networking and showcasing your talent

-6 Casting Director Intensives from Film, TV, Broadway and Commercials

-6 Talent Agents to showcase to for Film, TV, Broadway and Commercials

-1 Business seminar: "Finding the PERFECT Talent Agent for YOU"

-20 Actor limit: By Approval Only

$595 for this amazing 3 Day program!

Please submit a picture and resume for consideration to: shorey@actorsconnection.com



Get it? You don't have to pay thousands of dollars to meet Agents.

But one thing you should know is that Agents are looking for VERY specific things. Qualities that make them choose one child over another. To find out what these are in detail so you can prepare your child for success and the opportunity to be repped by a great agent at a great agency you need to read my book "HOW TO BREAK YOUR KIDS INTO SHOW BUSINESS." My e-Book is 100 pages, filled with critical information that will give you a serious advantage. Also, you will find sample cover letters, sample resumes and headshots, as well as learn what types of acting classes your child should be in that will impress Agents. And most importantly you will learn how to help your child stand out in your meetings with Agencies. Believe me that can make or break the deal. If you come to these agents showcases unprepared you are NOT going to get anywhere, and that is a fact. We are looking for prepared kids who are ready to work.

You can find my e-book at http://www.secretsofahollywoodtalentmanager.com

Happy Agent Hunting!

Wendy Alane Wright
Talent Manager
WAW Entertainment


Wendy Alane Wright is a Hollywood Talent Manager with WAW Entertainment. Her clients have appeared in numerous national commercials, movies, webisodes, short films, and on television networks such as ABC, NBC, Comedy Central, BIO, Lifetime, plus many more. Previous to being a Manager and a Talent Agent at Burn Down Entertainment, she assisted many high profile Managers, Agents and Publicists in the careers of Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Sarah Michelle Geller, The Four Tops, The Bee Gees, Meatloaf, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Guttenberg, The Cranberries Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Kenny Rogers, and Neil Diamond. Wendy is also a Recording Artist, Actress, Author and Music Producer all  giving her a 360-degree perspective of the industry.

When parents start out looking for a strong agent for their kids it can be very confusing and overwhelming. They see tons of names but have no idea which ones are reputable and which agencies have great agents that really get their clients out on lots of great auditions for Print, TV and Commercial.

Well "who is who" in Hollywood is something I have learned over time by watching these agencies in operation for years and years and seeing the results of thousands of children signed to them. As an experienced talent manager I have the authority and inside knowledge to give you the real information. I am going to make it so easy for all of you wonderful, supportive parents.  I hear your sign of relief.  Your welcome:)

These 20 agencies are ALL reputable with hard working agents who really do a great job for their clients. Understand that Agents all do the same things. 1) They look at the breakdowns every day to see what projects have come out 2)They submit their clients on roles that fit their clients talents and skills. 3) Then they set up appointments with Casting Offices for auditions. 4) They negotiate the deals for whomever books the jobs. They all do the same job. Some do it better than others, but the agents at these agencies do it the best.

That being said, remember Agents are people too and people work harder for people they like. You need to find the people you vibe with, and who like your child. Any of these agencies will do a great job, but it's important that you like the agent and they "get" your child and your child's talent.

My company WAW ENTERTAINMENT talent management in Los Angeles is always looking for talented & beautiful kids ages 6-14 for Film, TV, Webseries and Commercials. If you live in Los Angeles or plan to be here for 2-3 months between Feb-July or Sept-Nov. submit headshots and Resumes to wawentertainment@yahoo.com

Please include: Photos of your child, age, height, weight, city and state you live in and a 30 second video of your child talking about something important to them. Sports, friends, school, food, movies etc. You can record the video on your iPhone, upload it to You Tube, mark video as unlisted and include the link in your email to us. If we are interested we will contact you. We want to get an idea of their personality. We look forward to reviewing your submissions.



Here they are in no particular order.

Abrams Artists

Media Artists Group


Kazarian Spencer Ruskin

Howard Talent West



Clear Talent Group

Coast To Coast

Paloma Model & Talent

Zuri Model & Talent 

Daniel Hoff Agency

LB Talent

Amsel, Eisenstadt, Frazier and Hinojosa 



To be considered for representation by our agents, please submit one recent headshot (or snapshot) via mail or email. Call each agency and ask which they prefer.

Please include the following with your submissions:
  • Parents Contact Phone Number & Child's
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair & Eye Color
  • Performance Experience
  • Relevant Training
  • Awards
  • Special Skills (sports, foreign languages, etc) 
  • Date of Birth (for children and babies)
  • Slate Shot and short 30 second personality reel.
If an agent is interested in meeting you, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment in their office. You will be interviewed, given a scene to read, and a decision will be made by one or more agents in the agency.

Agents from these same agencies are invited to showcases that charge $2,000 - $17,000. Agents and agenices have no idea what these companies charge. I do because every time I attend one I pull the parents aside and ask what they spent to be there. They usually tell me in a quiet tone they were told not to discuss how much they spent... and then they tell me. Most of the time I am appalled! The cost is outlandish.

It's true these showcase systems bring 10-20 of the top agents into the same room and give hundreds of kids an opportunity to do their monologues and scenes in front of the agents all at once. That's a cool benefit. But for 15,000??? Please. Stop the madness.

You really don't need to pay $5,000 or more to do that. In LA these SAME EXACT AGENTS show up at workshops all over town doing smaller showcases with 5-10 agents at a time for about $1,500.  Yes I said it...about $1,500! You can find these workshops at Actor Training In LA, Actors Site, 321 Talent, Talent House Academy and Children In Film event at the Oakwood in Burbank.

If you want to save a bucket load of money mail your child's headshots/resume to these agencies above for .85 cents per envelope OR fly to LA and stay at a cheap hotel and attend a FREE Agent-Manager Showcase like this one for example Feb 14, 2015 at 11:00 am-

WHO:    Agents and Managers
What would your child do if they had the chance to talk with an industry professional?  Is your child prepared for a one-on-one? Test your skills at the Ready...Set...Meet! where talent will gather to meet briefly with a group of highly credited industry professionals. Please be prepared and bring at least five resumes stapled to five headshots in addition to a 30 second prepared monologue OR commercial script (samples are provided under the Audition section of KidStart).

WHEN:   Feb. 14, 2015 at 11:00am 
WHERE: Universal City, CA 
Details will be provided once your membership is verified.

COST :   Free
to Enhanced Members of ChildrenInFilm.com.  If you are not an Enhanced Member and are interested in attending, you may pay a one time charge of $16.99, which allows you full access to the site for 30 days and admittance into any of our events during that period.  Contact us for details.


Did you see that? The event above is FREE. Forget $15,000.

But one thing you should know is that Agents are looking for VERY specific things. Qualities that make them choose one child over another. To find out what these are in detail so you can prepare your child for success and the opportunity to be repped by a great agent at a great agency you need to read my book "SECRETS OF A HOLLYWOOD TALENT MANAGER; HOW TO BREAK YOUR KIDS INTO SHOW BUSINESS." My e-Book is over 100 pages filled with critical information that will give you a serious advantage. Also, you will find sample cover letters, sample resumes and headshots, as well as learn what types of acting classes your child should be in that will impress Agents. And most importantly you will learn how to help your child stand out in meetings with Agencies. Believe me that can make or break the deal. If you come to these agents showcases unprepared you are NOT going to get anywhere, and that is a fact. We are looking for prepared kids who are ready to work.

You can find my e-book at http://www.secretsofahollywoodtalentmanager.com

Happy Agent Hunting!

Wendy Alane Wright
Talent Manager
WAW Entertainment


Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

What Happens If An LA Agent or Manager Wants To Represent My Child?

Every year acting/modeling showcases are also held throughout the country that bring in Managers and Agents from Los Angeles to see the kids. Showcases are also held in California where kids from out of state fly in to California to be seen by Agents and Managers here.

Daily I get asked by parents "what happens if an Agent or Manager from LA wants to represent my child? Now pay attention because this is critical info that many showcase companies won't tell you because they are too busy taking your money and preying on the stars in your eyes.

Typically here is the way it REALLY works. You either submit DIRECTLY to a Manager or Agent OR:

1) You will attend a showcase or seminar. 

2) Your child showcases their  talent by doing a monologue or commercial they have prepared.

3) If agents and managers are interested they will give your child a callback to see them again, typically on final day of the Showcase.

4) At the callbacks,  you will speak to the agents and managers one by one. Likely they will ask you if you plan to move to LA, or be in LA during pilot season for 4 months,? Or they will want to know if you will be coming to stay in LA for 4 months during episodic season September - November?

5) if you say no there won't be very much they can do for you as 99% of auditions will be in Los Angeles. Here you are thinking, I've heard they can put my child on tape for auditions. Well the truth about that is very few roles ever get cast by out of state tapes. More likely you may go on tape for  several projects and as casting gets to know the  children that tape, they will want to meet some of them in person when they come  to LA to stay for a few months.

Fyi kids on go on tape for bigger roles in Film and TV.
Commercials, Co-Star roles and smaller roles in films are always cast in person and THESE are the projects that typically hire new people like your child.

6) If you are serious about pursuing acting with your child 99% of TV and Film auditions take place in LA. So if you are  planning on being in LA for an extended period of time Agents and Managers will ask you to come back out and meet with them again, often to introduce you to other agents in their office. Some agencies make signing decisions as a team. If they like you enough they will sign a contract with you then.

7) You will be asked to create online profile with the casting websites; LA CASTING, ACTORS ACCESS and CASTING FRONTIER. You will most likely be asked to shoot new headshots that are appropriate for the LA market.

8) When you are here in LA for 3-4 months, they will be submitting you on projects. Maybe you will get some auditions, maybe you won't. Maybe you will book some jobs, maybe you won't. No one knows. Every agent and manager just takes a chance if they think your potential can make money for them.

Why do you need to be in LA for LA auditions? It works like this: An agent or manager sees a possible role that might be right for your child. They submit your child's picture. If casting wants to see your child they will ask you to come in with only 1-3 days notice. If you get a callback it could be the following week. Will you fly home in between? Your agent / manager will be submitting you every day- what if you get an audition this Tuesday and another one on Friday, then no auditions for 1 week and then another audition on Wednesday and a callback on Friday then no auditions for 2 weeks and then a callback the following week... are you planning on flying back and forth every week? No.

Agents and Managers expect you to be here for auditions they get you. And the truth is we don't know how many auditions you will ever get. Most people are not going to uproot their entire family for the possibility of having some auditions. People who do this are the ones who realize that their child is extremely special and want to pursue acting professionally for many years. They understand the best place to do that is in Los Angeles as there are more opportunities here, PLUS they have the financial means, or type of jobs which allows them to move here, or be here for extended periods of time.


If you are planning on coming to Los Angeles for 3 months so you can get an Agent and Manager in Los Angeles who can also submit your child for projects here in California

There are 3 options of when to come:
1) Summer:  June, July and Aug
2) Episodic season: Sept, Oct, Nov
3) Pilot season: Feb, March, April

9) VERY IMPORTANT Whether you live here in LA, or wherever you live, acting is  skill that has to be mastered. You should always be working hard building your child's resume by doing student films, short films', webseries and theater. I highly suggest you read my ebook HOW TO BE A STAR RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE to learn the many ways you can build your child's resume and experience right where you live. You can find it at http://www.secretsofahollywoodtalentmanager.com

My company WAW ENTERTAINMENT talent management in Los Angeles is always looking for talented & beautiful kids ages 6-14 for Film, TV, Webseries and Commercials. If you live in Los Angeles or plan to be here for 2-3 months between Feb-July or Sept-Nov. submit Headshots, Resumes and a personality clip to wawentertainment@yahoo.com If I am interested I will contact you.

Please include: Photos of your child, age, height, weight, city and state you live in and a 30 second video of your child talking about something important to them. Sports, friends, school, food, movies etc. You can record the video on your iPhone, upload it to You Tube, mark video as unlisted and include the link in your email to us. If we are interested we will contact you. We want to get an idea of their personality. We look forward to reviewing your submissions.

There are vultures in this business preying on the dreams of parents and children who are entering show business. You can rely on me and my blogs to always guide you in the right direction. I would also like to suggest you get your information from these reputable sources as well: CHILDREN IN FILM, BIZ PARENTS and HOLLYWOOD MOM

Typically these showcases are all very expensive ranging from $2,000-$17,000 and there are LESS expensive ways to do this. Really those kinds of prices just make me see red. Instead read my e-Book "HOW TO BE A STAR RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE."  Spend $21 on the book and save yourself thousands of dollars - and learn how to submit your child to the EXACT SAME AGENTS AND MANAGERS at the expensive showcases. Don't get ripped off.

I have been to showcases to see kids and happen to ask parents... "So by the way, how much did you pay to be here?" I have heard $14,500 I nearly fell on the floor!!! The sad thing is the group of agents and managers at the big $$$ showcases are the SAME EXACT AGENTS & MANAGERS at the smaller $500 showcases in LA at places like ACTOR TRAINING IN LA or TALENT TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE STUDIOS (one of my companies) that take place several times throughout the year. A parent could fly to LA, with their child ($1,200) rent an apt for 1 month, (1,200) do four weeks of acting classes 3-5 times a day ($900) and pay for the showcase ($500) = $3,800 and meet the same exact agents AND get 10x better training.

OR they can simply send their kids headshot, resume and 1 minute personality clip to those agents by email (FREE) and if the agents or managers are interested, they can fly out to LA and meet with them.

BE SMART and INFORMED otherwise trying to get into this business can be very costly and get you nowhere.

You can download the eBook from here: http://www.secretsofahollywoodtalentmanager.com
For further information about Show Business read more of my blog posts and watch the 300+ Insider videos posted on my You Tube channel SECRETS OF A HOLLYWOOD TALENT MANAGER.

Wendy Alane Wright
WAW Entertaiment