Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014


Every day I have actors asking me how they can get on TV or start their acting career. I love that actors have a goal and a dream. But they need to pepper that with a dose of reality too. If you want a career in acting you have to START ACTING RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. That is how actors start. They start in plays right in their hometown. Whether you live in Florida, Oregon, or Russia you must join a local theater in your own state and town and act in plays. You should be doing plays at your high school or college if you are still in school.

If you want to become a famous actor my advice to you is... Stop waiting to get to Los Angees to be an actor. Stop waiting until you get an Agent. If you really want to be an actor, you should prove it way, way, way before you get to LA. You should be doing as much acting work as you can right where you are. Real actors don't wait until they get to LA. What can you do? Learn more HERE


1. New actors pay attention - If you want to be an actor, then start to act right where you are. TRAIN. TRAIN. TRAIN. Take acting classes right in the town you live in, or the closest town that has acting classes. You have to start your training as soon as you think you want to become an actor. Only well trained actors usually have successful careers as actors. People don't put you on TV if you can't act. Therefore your training is EXTREMELY important. After you have trained and gotten some experience in your local town, you might move to a bigger city that has better acting teachers and TRAIN SOME MORE.

Think about this. A professional ice skater in the Olympics doesn't wait until they get to the Olympics to start training. An Olympic skater gets to the Olympics because they never stopped training. They started training right in their home town. They worked at it until they got better and better and better. The better they got, the more people noticed. The more people noticed, the more opportunities they were offered. It works the same way for acting.

2. Act in plays right where you live. Audition for local theaters. Do school plays. Act in community theater, professional theater. When you are getting written up in the newspaper for your amazing performances... then you have proven yourself in your own town/state/country. You need to make a name for yourself in the small town or small pond you are from... before you jump into a huge pond like LA. Casting Directors look for the actors that stand out.

3. Make your own acting projects. Put on plays, put together a team of other actors who love it as much as you do - and if they have the professional equipment -  make short films together. Find writers, a director, camera man, sound man and good strong actors. Create your own film making team. Enter your own short films you make in the Film Festivals.

4. Keep taking acting classes wherever you are. You can never stop training as an actor.

5. Read my e-book "How To Be A Star Right Where You Are!"  To learn 23 Ways To Break Into Your Own Market And Start Building An Acting Career  Get the e-book HERE

After you have done all of that for the next 3 years, then you can think about moving to LA. Being an actor is not something you only have to do in LA. If you want to be an actor, BE an actor right where you are first.

Here is a resume of a 16 year old in Kentucky. She is serious about becoming an actor and her resume PROVES it. Look at the training she has had and the theater she has done. How does yours compare?  Click on this to see Alicen's resume. This is what you need to start building your resume into.

So advice to you is... Stop waiting to get to LA to be an actor. Stop waiting to get an Agent. If you really want to be an actor, you should prove it far before you get to LA. You should be doing as much acting work as you can right where you are. Real actors don't wait until they get to LA.

Philip Seymour Hoffman said this best:

Follow your dreams.

Get the e-book HERE

See you on the red carpet!

Wendy Alane Wright

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