Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Acting QUIZ. Do you have what it takes?

Do You Have What It Takes To Make It?

A lot of people think they can just pack up, move to Los Angeles and become a Star. But I’m telling you the real work begins at home, in your home town. Before you make that move to another state where you will become a small fish in a huge pond, you should first become a huge fish in your small pond.

There is so much you can be doing right where you live. If you have a dream you need to find local opportunities to develop your talent. If you aren’t the best where you are from, you won’t be able to compete with the best in a big market. You have to develop your skills, talent and experience where you live first. So if you ever do move to big market you’ll be competitive.

QUIZ for Singers
First lets see if you really have talent. Do you really sing as well as everyone is telling you, family and friends? Because most people don’t. Do you really have a voice that is under control, in pitch and pleasant or unique to listen to. Or is everybody really off base? Do you have the confidence to stand in front of an audience and be judged? So many people think they have what it takes and they don’t. Are you singing and performing live every chance you get?  When Judy Garland was a little girl she performed at local Kiwanis Club, Lions Clubs, fairs and festivals with her sister long before she became a star. Are you looking for local voice over work or jingle work with local ad agencies? Are you writing your own songs? Making your own music videos, joining a band? Have you performed in local singing contests? Did you win sometimes? Are you a great performer? Do you know how to connect with an audience? Are you in the studio recording a demo? Do you perform at corporate events? Are you getting paid in your own town to do what you dream of? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

QUIZ for Actors
Are you doing community theater? Are you doing high school or college theater? Have you taken the best acting classes you can find and become the best actor you can be? Can you act? Are you taking On Camera Commercial classes, and Audition classes? Have you met with local film makers? Do you have a demo reel of your acting? Have you presented your acting reel to local talent agencies? Are you involved in a local tv show? Have you contacted your local college’s film department and acted in any student films? Do you write and shoot your own films? Do you put on plays for your neighbors or community? Are you getting paid to act in your hometown? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

QUIZ for Models
Are you photogenic? Do you know how to pose? Do you know 20 poses that you can move from one to the other? Do you know your local photographers? Have you shot with any of them to get experience and pictures for your book? Have you contacted local adverting agencies? Have you contacted local stores to see if you can model for them? Do you participate in runway fashion shows? Have you participated in beauty pageants? Do you win? How much do you practice? Have you contacted local modeling agencies? Are you getting paid to model in your hometown? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

Have you taken on Camera Commercial classes? Are you a good reader? Do you have a good speaking voice? Do you practice Commercial copy and shoot mock commercials copying the ones you see on tv? Have you contacted local commercial talent agencies? Do you book the auditions you go on? Are you any good- compared to the commercials you see on tv? Have you contacted local business to see if you can be in their local tv commercials? Are you getting paid to do commercials in your small town? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

Quiz for Kids
Is this your dream or your parents? Are your parents pushing you, or are you asking your parents if you can be on tv, or do plays and commercials? Do you like acting classes? Do you like being in front of other people, the center of attention? Are you in acting classes? (Many parents put their kids in John Robert Powers Classes- hoping they’ll get discovered in their annual showcases)

QUIZ for Parents
Are your kids really talented? Do they really have what it takes? Do they stand out, are they unique, are they better than others? Or are you overly biased parents? (sorry, so many are) What local opportunities are in your town? Annual events? Special Appearances? Kooky Opportunities? Businesses looking for spokespeople, or models, or people with unusual talents? Local commercials, movie makers? What are your local Talent Agencies, and local Modeling agencies? Have you submitted your child for every opportunity like these that you can find? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

Before you move anywhere you should become the best you can be right where you are. When you are the best, opportunities will follow. Most people aren’t willing to work as hard for what they want as they think they are. Most people can’t walk through their own fears. But if you are really talented and want the whole world to know…you have start at home first. Become a local star… and then you just may have a shot at becoming a superstar.

As a talent manager I can come into your town and figure out who really has the talent to be successful. I looks at your acting reels, singing demos, headshots and tell you honestly how good your singing, modeling or acting skills currently are. I can tell you what you need to do to develop your talent. To become a stronger performer and teach you how to look for local opportunities where you can shine. I can arrange opportunities for you with local businesses, agencies and filmmakers.

Most people are stopped from going after their dreams because they are afraid. They end up in jobs they don’t really want to be in…because they didn’t believe in themselves enough….or they didn’t have anyone who believed in their dream with them. If you have a dream, and are willing to work hard to develop the talent you have to become your best…AND are willing to go look for opportunities to share your talents…I say GO FOR IT!

Be sure to stay close to me. I will always be a reminder that you can make your dreams come true. With hard work, perseverance, belief in yourself and the decision to never give up you can achieve your hearts desires.

Wendy Alane Wright
The Hollywood Talent Manager
You Tube Channel - Watch 200 + FREE video with Expert acting career tips!

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