Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Are Talent Showcases A Scam?

A parent recently sent me this email: "Wendy, I have a question. I've spent quite a bit of money on an agency in Memphis, TN to get my son into modeling/acting. I'm just wondering if things like this usually cost $ upfront or am I getting scammed? HELP PLEASE!"

HERE IS MY ANSWER: Parents, if you have a child you want to get into modeling or commercials, you should be able to send his/her picture to any talent agency for the cost of postage. If they are interested in your child they will ask to meet you and the child and evaluate their skill level, personality and your attitude. If all three are agreeable to the agency, they will typically sign your child to a 1 year contract. Next they will submit your child's picture to casting directors to try to get them auditions or casting opportunities. Sometimes they use the pictures you give them. Usually not.

They should not be charging ANY kind of up front fee. Period. Now realize early on, after they have been signed to an agency or manager, your child will need professional pictures to submit to casting directors. Typically agencies give parents a list of photographers they recommend you shoot with. Once you have chosen which photographer you prefer you go get professional pictures taken of your child. The agent would then look at them, pick a few of their favorites and use them to suggest your child for potential projects. Be wary of any agency that makes you choose a specific photographer or shoot with their photographer. Legit agencies don't care where you get the shots just as long as they are good and they can use them.

If your child is selected to do a project, you will be paid and the agent will be paid 10% of whatever you make. That is the only way it works. No legit agency takes upfront money, ever. Agencies are paid ONLY if your child works. 

There are vultures in this business preying on the dreams of parents and children who are entering show business. You can rely on me and my blogs to always guide you in the right direction. I would also like to suggest you get your information from these reputable sources as well:


Now that being said, there are showcases across the country that take place where a parent pays (sometimes handsomely) for the child to attend audition for managers, agents and casting directors. To be clear this can cost hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars. The event is to give children an opportunity to be seen by legit industry people. And yes, the person putting it on is making a profit from the event. Fees are involved here because Agents, Manager and Casting Directors are always paid hundreds of $$ to attend, so parents are charged so these people can be paid. And the space needs to be rented, food needs to be provided for the showbiz reps. The more industry pros they bring in, the more expensive the cost of the show case will be. Also the more kids that sign up, the more profit there is in it for the organizer. Some events are terrific some not so much.

Now many times a kiddo with talent, or a great look will be noticed by the professionals in the room and can get an agent, manager or even audition with a casting director. However, the majority of kids are over looked for a multitude of reasons including; the child is not talented enough, not practiced enough, not good enough, mumbles, doesn't sing in key, looks down the whole time, poor eye contact, etc. 

On the other hand…. a child may get chosen for representation if they have great look, do something funny in the reading, are cute, or quirky, different…or something about a child just appeals to a specific industry pro. Recently, I attend a great showcase with top agents, managers and casting directors. I saw about 75 kids and of them 5 amazing kids!  However,  MOST of the children needed way more acting training. I often follow up with parents of kids that I really am interested in managing. 

Remember though we see thousands of kids every year. We can always tell when a child is ready to be there. Parents never can tell. Every parent thinks their kid is special and ready for the big time. Do your child a favor, get them some acting lessons for kids and definitely some improvisation classes for kids so they have some training and can do better in the room with industry pros. Most kids without Improvisation training are too stiff. Stiff kids don't get agents and managers. And please, if you are not a professional acting teacher, do NOT coach your child on acting. You are more likely to mess them up rather than help. Get your kids into real acting classes with professional acting teachers who know what they are doing. Then your child will do much better!

So yes, showcases are paid events. Money exchanges hands in order for a child to attend. But signing with an agency should cost you ZERO $$. And if you don't have money to spend enrolling your child in paid showcases, just make a list of potential agencies, have some good pictures taken of your child and send them to child agents. You can even send a school photo. or take one yourself. Just be sure your child is clean, dressed nice and has great energy in the photo. No blurry pics, or runny noses, no kids hanging from a tree or upside down. Just straight forward, against a blank wall, looking at the camera, smiling, happy, friendly or even serious.

That alone could get you meetings with agencies without ever having to spend another dime. 

Here is my e-Book for PARENTS with specific instructions for how to get your child into the business:

Wendy Alane Wright
The Hollywood Talent Manager

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014


Great Jobs For Actors!

Get A Job

Once you find a place and get settled, the first thing you need to do is get a job.

Typically, auditions take place in the mornings and afternoons. So a nighttime job is helpful or a very flexible day job where you can set your own hours. The most important thing when considering a job is their flexibility in letting you leave for auditions, or switching hours. You came here to become a professional entertainer, so don't get stuck in a job that doesn't let you build your career. Hopefully you came here with at least $8,000 so you could get started on "opening" your new acting business.

Your first year in LA should be acclimating yourself to your new city. Getting your place to live secured, creating a stable source of income and saving money from your new job. Be realistic. Becoming a successful actor takes 10-15 years. You are here to create a life; the life of an actor. Not to become an overnight success. That rarely happens, perhaps as often as being struck by lighting twice, in the same part of your body. It is so rare you should just forget about that happening. And if you think it's going to happen like that go home, because you will be in for a HUGE disappointment. Instead, you will get there the way every other actor has, at least 99.99999999 % of them; with hard work, perseverance, talent, the connections you build, doing good strong acting work, knowledge, marketing yourself and NEVER GIVING UP. 

But stay close to me because with my guidance I can accelerate your career!

  • Interior Designer
  • Personal Trainer
  • Bar Tender
  • Waitress
  • Office Temp
  • Dog Walker
  • Tutor
  • Freelance Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Builder
  • Programming
  • SEO & Internet Marketing
  • Research Assistant
  • Script Reader
  • TeleMarketing
  • Process Server
  • Event Planner
  • Caterer
  • Promotional Modeling
  • Photographer
  • Bookkeeper
  • Web Marketing /Social Media Consultant
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Substitute Teacher
  • Kids Party Characters
  • Grant Writing
  • Public Relations
  • e-Bay Traders
  • Jewelery Maker
  • Aromatherapist
  • Proof Reader
  • Hairdresser
  • Limo Driver
  • Drug Rep For Pharmaceutical Company
  • Casting Camera Assistant
  • House Sitter
  • 24 Hours Kinkos/FedEx or Taco Bell
  • Make Up Artist for Photographers
  • Computer Repair
  • massage Therapist
  • Craft Services
  • Demo Reel Editor
  • Census Worker / Exit Poll Worker
  • Singing Teacher
  • Dance Instructor
  • Ceramic Worker
  • Demo Singer
  • Wedding Singer
  • Research Assistant
  • Mary Rich

So... there are some great flexible jobs to support your artistic life while you audition, train and do acting work. If you have a job I haven't thought of POST BELOW & LET ME KNOW. I will add it!

Also try...
Visits Snag A Job the #1 job board for hourly jobs! They have thousands of full-time and part-time jobs ranging from customer service jobs to healthcare jobs and they're adding new jobs every day. Perform an hourly job search by industry, company name or location to find your next hourly job today. Visit their site...

For jobs opening with agencies, production companies, producers, directors, studios, networks , etc. visit The Hollywood Temp Diaries for the coveted UTA Job List:

Stay close to me. No one in this business will give you more information than I will. - Wendy

Come hang out at my website for more tips and tools from The Hollywood Talent Manager:

Read the #1 ebook for new actors "Secrets Of A Hollywood Talent Manager; How To Break Into Show Business" to get the REAL GUIDANCE you need! 

See you on the Red Carpet!

Wendy Alane Wright

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Acting QUIZ. Do you have what it takes?

Do You Have What It Takes To Make It?

A lot of people think they can just pack up, move to Los Angeles and become a Star. But I’m telling you the real work begins at home, in your home town. Before you make that move to another state where you will become a small fish in a huge pond, you should first become a huge fish in your small pond.

There is so much you can be doing right where you live. If you have a dream you need to find local opportunities to develop your talent. If you aren’t the best where you are from, you won’t be able to compete with the best in a big market. You have to develop your skills, talent and experience where you live first. So if you ever do move to big market you’ll be competitive.

QUIZ for Singers
First lets see if you really have talent. Do you really sing as well as everyone is telling you, family and friends? Because most people don’t. Do you really have a voice that is under control, in pitch and pleasant or unique to listen to. Or is everybody really off base? Do you have the confidence to stand in front of an audience and be judged? So many people think they have what it takes and they don’t. Are you singing and performing live every chance you get?  When Judy Garland was a little girl she performed at local Kiwanis Club, Lions Clubs, fairs and festivals with her sister long before she became a star. Are you looking for local voice over work or jingle work with local ad agencies? Are you writing your own songs? Making your own music videos, joining a band? Have you performed in local singing contests? Did you win sometimes? Are you a great performer? Do you know how to connect with an audience? Are you in the studio recording a demo? Do you perform at corporate events? Are you getting paid in your own town to do what you dream of? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

QUIZ for Actors
Are you doing community theater? Are you doing high school or college theater? Have you taken the best acting classes you can find and become the best actor you can be? Can you act? Are you taking On Camera Commercial classes, and Audition classes? Have you met with local film makers? Do you have a demo reel of your acting? Have you presented your acting reel to local talent agencies? Are you involved in a local tv show? Have you contacted your local college’s film department and acted in any student films? Do you write and shoot your own films? Do you put on plays for your neighbors or community? Are you getting paid to act in your hometown? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

QUIZ for Models
Are you photogenic? Do you know how to pose? Do you know 20 poses that you can move from one to the other? Do you know your local photographers? Have you shot with any of them to get experience and pictures for your book? Have you contacted local adverting agencies? Have you contacted local stores to see if you can model for them? Do you participate in runway fashion shows? Have you participated in beauty pageants? Do you win? How much do you practice? Have you contacted local modeling agencies? Are you getting paid to model in your hometown? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

Have you taken on Camera Commercial classes? Are you a good reader? Do you have a good speaking voice? Do you practice Commercial copy and shoot mock commercials copying the ones you see on tv? Have you contacted local commercial talent agencies? Do you book the auditions you go on? Are you any good- compared to the commercials you see on tv? Have you contacted local business to see if you can be in their local tv commercials? Are you getting paid to do commercials in your small town? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

Quiz for Kids
Is this your dream or your parents? Are your parents pushing you, or are you asking your parents if you can be on tv, or do plays and commercials? Do you like acting classes? Do you like being in front of other people, the center of attention? Are you in acting classes? (Many parents put their kids in John Robert Powers Classes- hoping they’ll get discovered in their annual showcases)

QUIZ for Parents
Are your kids really talented? Do they really have what it takes? Do they stand out, are they unique, are they better than others? Or are you overly biased parents? (sorry, so many are) What local opportunities are in your town? Annual events? Special Appearances? Kooky Opportunities? Businesses looking for spokespeople, or models, or people with unusual talents? Local commercials, movie makers? What are your local Talent Agencies, and local Modeling agencies? Have you submitted your child for every opportunity like these that you can find? If you answered YES to most of these you are doing the right things to build your career. If not, you have some work to do!

Before you move anywhere you should become the best you can be right where you are. When you are the best, opportunities will follow. Most people aren’t willing to work as hard for what they want as they think they are. Most people can’t walk through their own fears. But if you are really talented and want the whole world to know…you have start at home first. Become a local star… and then you just may have a shot at becoming a superstar.

As a talent manager I can come into your town and figure out who really has the talent to be successful. I looks at your acting reels, singing demos, headshots and tell you honestly how good your singing, modeling or acting skills currently are. I can tell you what you need to do to develop your talent. To become a stronger performer and teach you how to look for local opportunities where you can shine. I can arrange opportunities for you with local businesses, agencies and filmmakers.

Most people are stopped from going after their dreams because they are afraid. They end up in jobs they don’t really want to be in…because they didn’t believe in themselves enough….or they didn’t have anyone who believed in their dream with them. If you have a dream, and are willing to work hard to develop the talent you have to become your best…AND are willing to go look for opportunities to share your talents…I say GO FOR IT!

Be sure to stay close to me. I will always be a reminder that you can make your dreams come true. With hard work, perseverance, belief in yourself and the decision to never give up you can achieve your hearts desires.

Wendy Alane Wright
The Hollywood Talent Manager
You Tube Channel - Watch 200 + FREE video with Expert acting career tips!

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014


Every day I have actors asking me how they can get on TV or start their acting career. I love that actors have a goal and a dream. But they need to pepper that with a dose of reality too. If you want a career in acting you have to START ACTING RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. That is how actors start. They start in plays right in their hometown. Whether you live in Florida, Oregon, or Russia you must join a local theater in your own state and town and act in plays. You should be doing plays at your high school or college if you are still in school.

If you want to become a famous actor my advice to you is... Stop waiting to get to Los Angees to be an actor. Stop waiting until you get an Agent. If you really want to be an actor, you should prove it way, way, way before you get to LA. You should be doing as much acting work as you can right where you are. Real actors don't wait until they get to LA. What can you do? Learn more HERE


1. New actors pay attention - If you want to be an actor, then start to act right where you are. TRAIN. TRAIN. TRAIN. Take acting classes right in the town you live in, or the closest town that has acting classes. You have to start your training as soon as you think you want to become an actor. Only well trained actors usually have successful careers as actors. People don't put you on TV if you can't act. Therefore your training is EXTREMELY important. After you have trained and gotten some experience in your local town, you might move to a bigger city that has better acting teachers and TRAIN SOME MORE.

Think about this. A professional ice skater in the Olympics doesn't wait until they get to the Olympics to start training. An Olympic skater gets to the Olympics because they never stopped training. They started training right in their home town. They worked at it until they got better and better and better. The better they got, the more people noticed. The more people noticed, the more opportunities they were offered. It works the same way for acting.

2. Act in plays right where you live. Audition for local theaters. Do school plays. Act in community theater, professional theater. When you are getting written up in the newspaper for your amazing performances... then you have proven yourself in your own town/state/country. You need to make a name for yourself in the small town or small pond you are from... before you jump into a huge pond like LA. Casting Directors look for the actors that stand out.

3. Make your own acting projects. Put on plays, put together a team of other actors who love it as much as you do - and if they have the professional equipment -  make short films together. Find writers, a director, camera man, sound man and good strong actors. Create your own film making team. Enter your own short films you make in the Film Festivals.

4. Keep taking acting classes wherever you are. You can never stop training as an actor.

5. Read my e-book "How To Be A Star Right Where You Are!"  To learn 23 Ways To Break Into Your Own Market And Start Building An Acting Career  Get the e-book HERE

After you have done all of that for the next 3 years, then you can think about moving to LA. Being an actor is not something you only have to do in LA. If you want to be an actor, BE an actor right where you are first.

Here is a resume of a 16 year old in Kentucky. She is serious about becoming an actor and her resume PROVES it. Look at the training she has had and the theater she has done. How does yours compare?  Click on this to see Alicen's resume. This is what you need to start building your resume into.

So advice to you is... Stop waiting to get to LA to be an actor. Stop waiting to get an Agent. If you really want to be an actor, you should prove it far before you get to LA. You should be doing as much acting work as you can right where you are. Real actors don't wait until they get to LA.

Philip Seymour Hoffman said this best:

Follow your dreams.

Get the e-book HERE

See you on the red carpet!

Wendy Alane Wright